Thursday, 20 November 2008

Posting a stock transaction in VB.NET

In order to manage stock levels within Sage, it is often necessary to record the movement of stock in an out of the company, by way of Stock Transactions.

Stock levels are managed automatically by Sage from the result of Sales or Purchases. However, these are not the only stock movements that can happen. Stock levels can be increased (Adustment In) with deliveries and returns. Stock levels can be reduced (Adustment Out) with non Invoiced sales and losses. Stock levels can also be reset using a stock-take.

The following code creates an Adustment In (i.e. delivery) of 2 units of the first product found. At a cost price of £1.

Dim objStockPost As SageDataObject50.StockPost
objStockPost = ws50.CreateObject("StockPost")
Dim objStockRec As SageDataObject50.StockRecord
objStockRec = ws50.CreateObject("StockRecord")
objStockPost.Header.Fields("Stock_Code").Value = objStockRec.Fields.Item("Stock_Code").Value
Dim objStockTran As SageDataObject50.StockTran
objStockTran = objStockPost.Items.Add()
objStockTran.Fields.Item("Stock_Code").Value = objStockRec.Fields.Item("Stock_Code").Value
objStockTran.Fields.Item("Date").Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
objStockTran.Fields.Item("Type").Value = SageDataObject50.StockTransType.sdoAI
objStockTran.Fields.Item("Quantity").Value = CType(2, Double)
objStockTran.Fields.Item("Cost_Price").Value = CType(1, Double)
objStockTran.Fields.Item("Reference").Value = "Test Ref"
objStockTran.Fields.Item("Details").Value = "Test Transaction"
' Update the StockPost object
Dim bFlag As Boolean
bFlag = objStockPost.Update()
If bFlag Then
End If

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